Solo Travel: Here's Why You Should Do It
- for those interested in solo travel, curious about what the experience may be like, and tips to get by on your own (suggested songs to supplement your reading: "The Wolves & The Ravens" by Rogue Valley and "Magdalene" by Bear's Den) -
March 4th, 2017, 9:23am (EST)
The plan was to go back to Greece, but there were no seats left on the connecting Amsterdam flights. They were each overbooked by more than 15 people. Dying for travel and adventure, I'm now flying to Arizona. Yeah - I'm currently on a plane writing this on the back of my boarding pass. I still have two hours or so till we land.
Once I get there, I'll be staying at an Airbnb (which would turn out to be a great decision.) I only rented a private room and bath, but I find minimalistic living to be a more unique experience, as well as a less expensive one. It forces you out of your comfort zone. Even to get there, I'm flying standby - I didn't even know if I'd have a seat until I reached the ticket counter! Luckily, I not only got the last seat, but it was Priority, which provided me the necessary extra legroom.
Now, excitement is building, and I'm looking forward to hiking in the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. I've hiked in Greece, Michigan, North Carolina, and Colorado, but never in Arizona. This is a whole new animal, and it's my first solo trip. I'm looking forward to what I'll learn and capture along the way.
Dangling off a ledge in the McDowell Mountains - Lookout Trail, Scottsdale, AZ
Present - March 6th, 2017, 11:45am (MST)
I'm currently sitting in A.T. Oasis Coffee and Tea Shop in Phoenix waiting for my girlfriend to arrive in the Sky Harbor Airport. Seeing as she doesn't arrive until almost midnight, I have lots of time to reminisce about the three days I've had alone in Arizona. I didn't quite know what to expect while solo hiking, or how different nature would feel in isolation, but it was like nothing I'd ever experienced.
I took this note along the hike:
You're totally immersed in the wild. The birds sing, the wind whistles through the mountains, and it all becomes poetic in a sense. This kind of silence is therapeutic, and I feel as if I'm reconnecting with my roots in a more intimate way. I'm not distracted by anyone else's needs or thoughts - it's just the Earth and me.
Sure, that may sound a bit out there, but the sense of escaping the bustling crowd of cities and universities is calming and reassuring. There is purity to be found in the wild.
Another note:
When you think about the trail, when you think about the hike, everything else fades away. And, the more grueling it becomes, the less your troubles creep into your mind.
Looking at Gateway Loop Trail, Scottsdale, AZ
On Saturday, I hiked for a round-trip total of 6 hours and 17 minutes, 14.78 miles, 31,616 steps, and accumulated a total elevation gain of 3,310 feet. I started at the McDowell Sonoran Preserve Gateway Trailhead around 6:10am, which transitioned into the Windgate Pass Trail that finally took me to Tom's Thumb Trail.
Making it to Tom's Thumb was the ultimate goal. I saw it from the road on my ride to the apartment I was staying at, and I knew I had to conquer it. Loaded with Clif Bars, two water bottles, an extra gallon bungeed to my pack, and camera gear, I was ready to go. I took off before sunrise, and I'm glad that I did.
Because I started so early, I only briefly saw a total of four souls on the trail in three and a half hours, all mountain runners. I was truly alone. It may sound scary, but it was actually quite liberating. It was just me and the trial.
Once I made it to Tom's Thumb, I had my first conversation of the day. I met a couple from New York, Chuck and Jody. Chuck told tales of hiking the Appalachian Trail, parts of the PCT, and elsewhere throughout the world. It was truly wonderful. I completed the summit with the two of them, and we spent some time marveling at the humbling site. You know those moments you want to live in forever? That was definitely one of them. After some time alone exploring various other trails, I began my descent.
Tom's Thumb, Scottsdale, AZ
These few days made me realize something. Solo trips are beautiful. They give you insight into yourself and the world around you. They're liberating, and they give you a sense of fulfillment that I never expected to find in the wild. Plus, you may make connections with strangers that you never would've interacted with otherwise. If it's something you're interested in, I would definitely recommend it.
My biggest tips would be:
(1) do your research, and know the details about the area
(2) let someone know where you'll be and when you should be back
(3) be prepared - always pack extra water, food, external battery packs, and a small first aid kit
(4) pack as light as possible
(5) be friendly - most people on the trails are there for the same experience, so you already have something in common
(6) enjoy your time outdoors!
- Cullan