Living in Ireland: Not What I Expected

- for those interested in traveling, living abroad, studying abroad, Ireland, or all of the above, here is an honest account of my experience so far as a grad student on the Emerald Isle -

Galway Docks, Galway, Ireland

Galway Docks, Galway, Ireland

When I attempt to describe my experience in Ireland thus far, I say it’s been nothing like what I expected. And I’d chalk most of it up to a lack of preparation, understanding, and unrealistic assumptions on my part. From not bringing enough luggage (subsequently forcing me to buy loads of stuff I already have) to not fully understanding my master’s program to my first true bout of homesickness… it’s all hit me like a ton of bricks.

Now, for most of those reading this, you know me. I’m not really one to get stressed. I purposefully choose spontaneity over excessive planning. I save up just enough money to spend on experiences then start again. Well, this whole experiment of living abroad has happily and unrelentingly destroyed my way of thinking, living, and perceptions of what travel really is. It’s not all bad, though, of course. So I’ll get to the good after I cover the bad.

So… what’s really different? We’ll start with the STRUGGLES:

  • Expectation: I’ll be fine without a car for a year

    • Reality: Not a chance. For me, driving is an almost spiritual activity. I need time in the car to be alone, to process, to decompress. It soothes me. It always has. That’s why I don’t mind driving 10, or even 18, hours alone in a day for a road trip. My drives provide a clarity of mind. The freedom and mobility fuel me. While my bike and public transportation are surprisingly great, I’m very limited here in terms of that freedom and ability.

  • Expectation: I won’t get homesick - I travel a lot, and I’ve lived out of state

    • Reality: WRONG. I’ve never truly experienced this before, but I’m now in the regrettable clutches of homesickness. I honestly never thought I’d say that. If I was only gone for a few months, or even a semester, I’d be fine. But when we’re talking 10 to 12 months and 3,354 miles of separation without seeing family and close friends, life gets just a bit more challenging. Sure, technology helps, but it’s nothing like sharing laughter with friends around a bonfire, enjoying a home-cooked meal with your father, or feeling the comfort of a hug from a loved one.

Cheaper to buy Irish whiskey in the US than in Ireland.
— Irish Times
  • Expectation: It would be cheaper to study for one year in Ireland than two years in the US

    • Reality: This assumption has proven completely unfounded. While I am only paying tuition for a one year, accelerated program at about $16,000, numerous other costs come into play.

      1. Conversion from US dollars to euro alone hampers finances. The rate has swayed between 1.15 and 1.20 USD to 1.00 euro. So, generally, if I buy a 5 euro pint of Guinness, it’s 6 dollars. Doesn’t seem like a lot at first, but every purchase racks up with conversion charges.

      2. There is an extreme housing shortage in Ireland, especially in Galway. Luckily for me and my fellow classmates, this equates to high rent costs (made worse when compared to my student housing in Michigan.) My lowest monthly rent payment was $280, and I’m now paying well over $700 a month, plus $1,200 in fees. It’s tough to rationalize that when some people snagged places over a year in advance for less then $400 a month. Nonetheless, it’s much more interesting than the college town of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. I mean, it is a coastal city in Ireland.

      3. Alcohol and nights out are expensive. If you’re on a budget in the US, alcohol can be fairly cheap, and going out somewhere to utilize its deals is standard practice. There are over 400 pubs in Galway! Yet, a very limited number have deals or specials. You quickly learn it’s rare to pay less than 5 euro or 6 dollars for every beer and much more for liquor. Even the Irish Times recognizes this with one headline reading, “Cheaper to buy Irish whiskey in the US than in Ireland.” What???

      4. Because I only had one suitcase, duffel bag, and backpack, I knew I wouldn’t have everything I needed when I moved across the Atlantic. I’d have to buy things I already owned back home. Basic stuff like sheets, pillows, pillow cases, blankets, a fan, cleaning supplies, household items and utensils, etc. And these are all necessities I could’ve fit in my car if I was moving within the US. Again, I knew this would be an issue, but there are so many little things I never thought to take or simply couldn’t fit in my luggage. Cover these purchases with a nice layer of currency conversions, and you have yourself a dilemma. (EX: A small desk fan cost over $40.)

      5. The final expenses I’ll list are flights and registration. Tack on a $900 flight, which is actually a decent deal with one checked bag, and it’s basically like an extra tuition cost. Thankfully, I did NOT have to buy a Visa to study in Ireland, costing some students $6,000! Simply because I was born in the US, I only had to pay 300 euro ($350) to the Garda National Immigration Bureau to stay long term... Dodged a bullet there.

  • Expectation: I’ll thoroughly experience Irish culture and travel Europe on a budget

    • Reality: This one is tough since I’m mainly here to earn my master’s. I should’ve known I’d be limited by time and financial restrictions. I just thought a natural side-effect of living here would be immense cultural immersion. But, because I’m so focused on my program, I rarely get to revel in the culture and beauty of Ireland. I’m tethered to the city, and more specifically, the NUI Galway campus. Furthermore, the one out-of-country trip I’ve taken to Malta is likely to be my last.

  • Expectation: My ‘Digital Marketing’ program will focus on, ya know, digital content

    • Reality: Barely. When I signed up for a Master of Science in Digital Marketing, I thought we’d be learning about social media marketing, SEO, website development, etc. So far, ONE of my five courses focuses on digital content. I understand the need to be a well-rounded student but c’mon.

Leenane, County Galway, Ireland

Leenane, County Galway, Ireland

Okay, let’s get to the BENEFITS:

Coming here has given me the opportunity to share my experience with others in a meaningful way.
  • I’M GETTING A FRICKEN MASTER’S DEGREE IN A YEAR. Really, I shouldn’t be complaining at all. I have the ability to do something incredible and drastically impact my future for the better. That’s quite a big thing to be thankful for.

Leenane, County Galway, Ireland

Leenane, County Galway, Ireland

  • Nights out are incredible. If you were going into your first year of undergrad, I’d say, “Go to Galway.” There are hundreds of pubs and a variety of clubs. Nightlife thrives here, and pub culture is wonderful - there’s no question. But, as a post-grad student, priorities change. Desire for a wild night out shifts to sharing a few pints and chatting with friends. So this becomes less of a perk and more of temptation to avoid. Point is, though, you can pretty much always expect a good time when you head to the city center.

  • The countryside is stunning. When I first came to Ireland last year, I had no clue it had such a plethora of natural attractions. Inspiring mountain ranges, strange geological formations, and unnerving yet beautiful cliffs litter the region. Getting a bus out of the city to see any of these is therapeutic to say the least.

  • My professors, classmates, and roommates are fantastic. How I got so lucky in all three categories is beyond me. I’m surrounded by incredible, kind people that push me and encourage me daily. Not to mention, my roommates, classmates, and I have loads of fun together. That fact definitely makes it feel more like home.

  • My love for vlogging has been rekindled. Coming here has given me the opportunity to share my experience with others in a meaningful way. Whether that results in inspiring someone to travel or warning them to prepare a bit more before leaping into a year-long adventure, it’s an incredible chance to tell my story and impact others. Go check out my channel, Cullan McNamara, on YouTube if you’re interested in seeing more. (Click my name in the last sentence for a link to the channel.)

  • I’m meeting people from all over the planet. I’ve made so many friends from countries like India, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, and, of course, Ireland. Making global connections is practically beneficial, but learning about my new friends’ cultures is a treat, and I’m gaining a whole new support system.

  • Finally, I’m learning a lot about myself and life in general. It’s like I’m rediscovering my core, what’s truly important to me, who I’ve become and who I desire to be. I’ve been stripped down to my essential self, humbled by a world much bigger than I am. But the ultimate takeaway from this experience is that I should appreciate more. Appreciate my family more for always loving and supporting me, friends for the laughter and memories, the opportunity to pay for higher education in the first place, and the ability to learn about a new culture, in turn gaining a greater understanding of my own. At the very least, I’ve learned the grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s a totally different color. A wholly different experience, not better or worse than my own.

Why did I write this?

The answer is actually quite simple. For my own sanity. It’s a release for me. Get out the bad. Refocus on the good. And, if at all possible, I wrote this to help others. To simply satiate curiosity or educate on a topic where I may have some minor understanding. For those thinking about studying abroad, moving abroad, or even just traveling abroad, there may be something here of value. And, if you’re interested in how I’m doing, this is a brief glimpse at my current situation.


Irish Times:


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